Thursday 11 July 2013

A view from the top

After completing laundry duties we ventured back into the city to go up the Main Tower to the observation deck 200m above the central city. This provided a

panoramic view across greater Frankfurt which is a flattish city, the hills being very

distant. Down from the tower we walked over to the nearby opera house, Alte

Oper, which was a building of some beauty.

After lunch in a sidewalk cafe, one of approx. 25 in the street we walked back through Dom-Romer to the river and crossed over on the Untmainbrucke (a bridge) and wandered through Sachenhausen before circling back and walking down the southern side of the Main passed the numerous museums.

Back into Dom-Romer we came across a wedding party and we watched the

"happy" couple cut out a heart from a large sheet before the groom picked up his

bride and carried her through the heart.

A thought regarding Europe from the short time we have been here - it is in many ways the antithesis of New Zealand in that:

* we ban dogs from nearly every where whereas they allow them in restaurants, public transport etc.

* we regulate cyclists to wear helmets - I haven't seen one cyclist here, and there hundreds of them, wear a helmet

* we frown on drinking alcohol in public places, they have no concerns

* we regulate against smoking, they obviously don't think smoking is an unhealthy habit.

Also they are only too willing to help those of us who don't speak their language enjoy our holiday - it can be quite interesting trying to make oneself understood but they show patience and do their best to give the correct advice etc.

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