Monday 12 August 2013

Begorrah... we were at dinner tonight it rained, this being the first rain of any substance we have seen since we left NZ 43 days ago however by the time we had finished our meal it had stopped so we got back home still dry.

We arrived within 3 kms of our Vienna accommodation around noon but it was not for another 40 mins before we finally parked the car.

The accommodation is in district 4 which is adjacent to the centre district 1 and the road was jammed packed with vehicles caused by the road reverting from 2 lanes to 1 lane in two places - the car is safely housed and will stay that way for the next four days.

Within 50 metres of the apartment is Naschmarkt, Vienna's most popular market and which stretches for approx. 1.5 kilometers

The Naschmarkt has existed since the 16th century when mainly milk bottles were sold.

From 1793 onwards, all fruits and vegetables brought to Vienna with carts had to be sold here, while goods arriving on the Danube were sold elsewhere.

You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables from around the world, exotic herbs, cheese, baked goods such as bread, kaiser rolls, and torte, meats, and seafood.

There are also a lot of small restaurants which offer e.g. sushi, kebab, seafood, traditional Viennese food such as Kaiserschmarrn or Palatschinken and stalls which offer clothes and accessories.

After lunch in the market we walked to the Museum Quarter.

The MQ is home to numerous large art museums like the Leopold Museum and the MUMOK (Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation) and the central square was abuzz with people enjoying a relaxing time

We noticed that the MUMOK had an exhibition on that was close to home so to

speak and as it was getting close to closing time we have decided to return there sometime over the next three days to have a look.

The buildings in the area we walked today where quite majestic and we look forward to exploring the beauties of Vienna.

Now today we have a challenge - during our drive we have been recording the names of the different countries that we have seen cars from as each vehicle has an International Code on the number plate e.g. our vehicle has a F for France.

As at the end of our drive today we have seen vehicles from 31 countries.

The challenge is for you to try and list those 31 countries or as many of them as you can!

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