Wednesday 7 August 2013

Split is not in the same street Dubrovnik but it is nice in its own way.

We arrived here at lunchtime and quickly found our accommodation in close proximity to the main tourist areas.

I have said it previously but it is worth repeating that as a pedestrian on one of the marked pedestrian crossings you are no more than a skittle as even today Father X who had Sister Y as his passenger tried to mow us down this afternoon - perhaps he was in a hurry as he was scheduled to hear confession this afternoon but if he had hit us (and he was close!) then someone would have had to have heard his confession.

The main features of Split appear to be The Promenade which runs alongside the

harbour and the Diocletian Palace which is on the other side of the promenade and

in front of which are rows of cafes and restaurants

The port is very busy with various craft available for pleasure trips to neighbouring islands and ferries which go to other nearby Adriatic spots as well as across the sea to Italy.

There were no cruise liners in port today but tomorrow could well be different.

Outside the palace walls were numerous stall which made up what is known as the

Green Market and they sell typical souvenirs, clothing, shoes as well as fruit and


With the temperature again being in the mid thirties late this afternoon we walked to the nearest beach and had a swim - the beach was crowded but we found a spot and it was very refreshing.

Tomorrow we will have a look within the palace walls and if we are energetic climb the bell tower & in all likelihood if the temp stays as it was today head off to the beach late in the day to recover!

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