Thursday 29 August 2013

It is all but over.

Today was our last full day in Hong Kong and therefore of our 2013 holiday.

We left the hubbub of the city and took the bus to Stanley which is on the southern peninsular of the island and opens out to The South China Sea.

After the annexation of Hong Kong in 1842 the British made Stanley the temporary administrative centre before moving it to the present day Central on the north shore of Hong Kong Island.

Stanley Fort was where British and Canadian troops mounted a last stand during the Battle of Hong Kong. The survivors surrendered to Japanese forces in December 1941.

The fort, which was the former British Army barracks in Stanley, is now occupied by the People's Liberation Army following the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China in 1997.

It has a very different feel to it when compared to the main area - it is less populated, though there are many tourists (like us) visiting the Stanley Markets, and being on the coast there is a relieving sea breeze.

During our travels we have come across numerous wedding parties out in scenic spots having their photographs taken and today was no exception

As we think back we must have seen between 15 & 20 wedding parties and a few different wedding traditions as well e.g. carrying the bride through the heart at Dom-Romer in Frankfurt.

Tomorrow late afternoon we board NZ80 for the 11 hour flight back to NZ which brings the end to our trip.

To say we have enjoyed it would be an understatement, it has been superb.

When combined with our 2011 European holiday we have now seen nearly all of the major European cities and many towns and villages in between.

If we had favourite countries on this trip they would be Austria, Croatia & Switzerland and favourite cities would be Vienna, Saltzburg & Dubrovnik however that doesn't indicate that others we visited did not also have immense charm.

As at the time of our final post the blog has been accessed 2097 times in total from numerous countries around the world & we hope we have inspired those who have read our adventures to plan to undertake a similar trip or if your circumstances are such that that is not possible then you have enjoyed coming on our journey with us!

We are planning another European jaunt in 2015 so you can follow our travels at the blog here 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing us along for the ride guys.
    Looking forward to seeing you both.
